Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How can people be so mean?!

Last night was my last day of training at "The Restaurant", but it was also my first night basically doing everything by myself with little assistance from my trainer. There is a ton of stuff that you have to remember as a server, drinks, appetizers, food, get more drinks, bring them their food, dessert, make sure you ID them if they order alcohol and so on and so forth. So ya, sure I made some mistakes, its human! But this bitch very nice and understanding trainer that I had last night ruined my entire night and it going to ruin today too because she never shut her damn mouth. I heard her voice in my head ALL NIGHT LONG. I didn't sleep for crap! I kept thinking that I needed to get this person a salad or this person a drink. But this wasn't even what pissed me off the most... I just couldn't wrap my head around how rude she was to me and the other servers. I guess I am not supposed to speak for myself, and let another server know that they could use the computer, and I interrupted her, "Don't do that again, I don't like that". "You know better than that", to a server who set some glasses down for 1.5 seconds. 

"Don't do that"
After last night I was seriously seriously debating not going back because she made my night so horrible! I guess that is the end of my rant for now. I start serving alone on Friday, so I guess we will see how that goes. Hopefully a hell of a lot better than last night went.  Wish me luck...


  1. It would have been all I had to not lose it and punch someone in the face. Just a word to the wise, be careful what you say when naming someone or some place just in case one of your bosses or co-workers finds this and reads it.

  2. Aliases for everyone at work and also the place of work! The bitchy waiter always gives people a television name (somebody that this person reminds him of).

    You didn't show up in my Google Reader today...WTH!?!?!
